What is BPC-157 (Body Protection Compound) and how can it help?

BPC 157 FT

BPC-157 is the most versatile healing peptide.  It is a synthesized analogue of Body Protection Compound, which is a protein that is endogenously produced in the human stomach.  This naturally occurring protein is responsible for protecting the gastrointestinal tract from injury, while promoting overall systemic healing, angiogenesis, and a whole range of regenerative effects.*

  • Promotes Gut Healing

  • Back Pain Relief

  • Crohn’s Disease

  • Arthritis

  • Induces Angiogenesis

  • Repairs Muscle, Tendon and Ligament

  • Wound Healing

  • Reduces Inflammation

  • Anxiolytic

  • Attenuates MA Damage

  • Regulates Hormones

  • Generation of Nitric Oxide

  • Improves Immune System

  • Antioxidant

  • Assists in the Production of Collagen

  • Nootropic Effects

  • Promotes Bone Repair

  • Prevents and Protects against Drug Side Effects

  • Brain-Gut Axis Benefits

  • Antidepressant

  • Eye Healing

Here at Axon Integrative Health, we utilize BPC-157 for a variety of orthopedic conditions like sprains, strains, ligament or tendon damage, back pain, arthritis, wound healing, systemic conditions like gut healing  inflammation, hormone regulation, immune system support, antioxidant help, and even collagen production.

BPC-157 is the only peptide that can be administered orally, and as such maintains its integrity and effectiveness in the extreme acidity of the gut.

NASAL BPC-157 is the most potent and superior version for every kind of administration; in fact, the majority of BPC-157 studies to date have used BPC-157 as their experimental peptide.  Also, most of these studies used Nasal administration of BPC-157 or concluded that it would be the best method of application due to its enhanced healing of a broad range of conditions.


Harsh Gastric Juice Stability in highly acidic environments like the gut, BPC-157 maintains its integrity and remains effective over time. After 5 hours in gastric juice equivalent pH3.0, BPC-157 is degraded only 15.1% versus the acetate salt version which is over 99% destroyed.

UV Light Stability

Not only is BPC-157 the only peptide that can remain intact in the gut, it is also the only peptide that is not damaged when exposed to Ultraviolet Light, thus further demonstrating its superior stability and efficacy across all conditions and environments. For example, when irradiated at an UV wavelength of 253.7nm over 70 minutes, BPC-157 was unharmed and remained stable throughout.

Wound and Gut Healing

Endogenous BPC production in the stomach maintains the integrity of the entire GI tract, protecting the mucosal barrier from acids and exogenous substances and foods that are known to damage tissues. BPC-157 not only maintains the integrity of the gut, but also promotes systemic healing of wounds, not limited to burns, gastric ulcers, and lacerations by promoting angiogenesis, overall cell growth and repair. [1][2][3][4][5][6][7]

Muscle, Tendon, Ligament and Bone Repair

By inducing angiogenic growth factor healing, BPC-157 has a broad range of healing properties. By increasing the activity of endothelial cell activity that line blood vessels, BPC-157 can aid in the repair of muscles, tendons, ligaments and bone. [8]

A study with severed tendon showed that BPC-157 accelerated the transected Achilles tendon and regrew it back to the bone via tendocyte activation resulting in full recovery. [9][10]

Spinal cord injured rats showed marked healing proliferation from BPC-157 administration, with significant nerve regrowth and improved mobility. [11]

In a study on segmented bone defects of rabbits, BPC-157 was shown to regenerate marrow, and thus induce greater bone healing. [12]

Crushed and severely damaged muscle in rat gastrocnemius was treated with BPC-157 and showed rapid healing. [13]

Cell Growth and Angiogenesis

Research has shown that BPC-157 increases blood vessel growth in all areas of the body. [2] A study of chicken embryos demonstrated that BPC-157 increases vascular growth through the activation of cell surface receptors in the Nitrous-Oxide pathway, growing new vessels toward the injury. This implies potential treatment of heart disease,  overall cellular repair for life extension, and other general healing. [14][15][16]

Drug Side Effects, Ulcers and Heart Attacks
  • BPC-157 has been shown to heal gastrointestinal, liver and brain lesions as a result of side effects produced by the use of NSAIDS, or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as Cele-coxib, Ibuprofen, Advil, etc. NSAIDS are known to cause ulcers, internal bleeding, heart attacks and various other dangerous conditions. [17] [18]

Anti-Inflammatory and Antioxidant
  • A study demonstrated that BPC-157 is a powerful antioxidant by reducing free radical formation via the Nitric Oxide system, attenuating duodenal lesions in rats by significantly decreasing oxidative stress. [19]

  • In a study on periodontal disease, BPC-157 was shown to display powerful Anti-Inflammatory effects on rat tissue at the site of injury, with increased overall healing of inflamed tissues and organs. [20]

Brain-Gut Axis Benefits and Antidepressant Effects of BPC-157
  • BPC-157 was shown to modulate serotonin and dopa-mine with central influence benefits. [21]

  • A comparison with antidepressants found that BPC-157 was effective in attenuating depression. [22]

Wound and Eye Healing Capabilities
  • In a study with chemical burns, BPC-157 was shown to rapidly accelerate skin healing, inducing granulation tissue formation, reepithelialization, dermal remodeling, and collagen deposition. [23]

  • Corneal healing of the eye was promoted by administering BPC-157 directly into the eyes, [24]

  • By administering BPC-157 drops into the eyes, corneal perforations rapidly closed, with corneal transparency integrity restored.  [25]


Additional research studies performed on test subjects show BPC 157 as a potential treatment for periodontal disease affecting gums and tissues surrounding teeth. BPC 157 reduced the fluid leaking from the gums when an area of the mouth was infected and inflamed. In the studies, healthy tissues and gums in the mouth were completely unaffected by BPC 157.

Not just Healing but Optimizing yourself with BPC-157

Along with being found to heighten the healing of several types of tissues, BPC-157 also appears to support the longevity of cells at the sites of wounds. In fact, research showed that damaged cells responded to the potent peptide by regenerating and healing themselves at a faster rate than usual. As a result, BPC-157 offers a wide variety of benefits, including:

  • Alleviates aches, pain and arthritis.

  • Promotes tissue healing and lean tissue repair.

  • Often prescribed to help protect active individuals from injuries and accelerate the overall healing process.

  • Increases collagen production.

  • Decreases inflammation.

  • Heals muscle tears and ligament damage.

  • Regenerates muscle and ligament tissue at a faster than average rate.

  • May decrease pain in damaged areas of the body.

  • Helps protect digestive function and counter the damaging effects that NSAID’s like Ibuprofen and Advil can have on the lining of the gut.

  • Increases growth hormone receptors.

  • Contains significant antioxidant qualities.

At Axon Integrative Health we would love to help you reach your health and wellness goals with BPC-157, whether that it optimizing, stabilizing, or healing – we have you covered.

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