Best acupuncture in Denver
Traditional Chinese Medicine is our oldest, most studied, now evidence-based, therapeutic, and healing intervention in the world. Helping patient ailments in every capacity. By supporting the natural energy pathways in the body, acupuncture has use in almost every case ranging from stress and anxiety to childhood developmental delays, chronic pain, immune system dysfunctions, and neurological rehab. There are multiple sub-types of acupuncture including battlefield acupuncture, and neurological-focused acupuncture.
- Symptoms addressed: Anxiety, depression, headache, migraine, vestibular dysfunction, sensory processing delays, emotional traumas, musculoskeletal pain and soreness, immune dysfunction, GI dysfunction, visceral (liver, kidney, lungs, heart) dysfunctions, and more.
- Clinically proven to: reduce pain, stimulate blood flow, improve sensory processing, reduce the effect of PTSD, and stimulate the production of positive neurochemicals such as dopamine.
Did you know…
acupuncture is used by approximately 3 million Americans every year? The therapy has been growing in popularity in the States, yet has been used in Eastern medicine since ancient times. The Chinese believe acupuncture is capable of balancing the body’s ‘qi’ energy, ultimately supporting good health and providing relief from pain and illness. In Western culture, many practitioners believe that it instead stimulates the nerves, muscles, and connective tissues to promote healing.
Frequently Asked Questions
What types of conditions can benefit from acupuncture?
You do not have to be sick or in pain to undergo acupuncture. In fact, many people use acupuncture as a means of maintaining good health. However, the therapy can provide relief for various conditions and symptoms.
Examples include:
- Headaches
- Chronic pain
- Nervous disorders
- Respiratory disorders
- Digestive disorders
- And more!
What should I expect during an acupuncture session?
Acupuncture is meant to be a relaxing experience. We encourage you to ask any questions you may have leading up to your appointment so that you feel informed and educated about acupuncture therapy. During the session, your acupuncturist will place very fine needs in specific points throughout your body. After a few minutes, the needles are removed, and you will be released to go home.
How long does it take to experience results from acupuncture?
Many patients report symptomatic relief and increased energy immediately following an acupuncture session. You will probably need multiple sessions to achieve desirable results, though the exact number and frequency of sessions vary from person to person. For more information about acupuncture and whether it’s right for you, contact our office to schedule a consultation.